Saddle assembly (4018001) split
In order to reduce the pressure on channel funds and reduce user maintenance costs,
Company saddle assembly (picture No. : SZ993000796/ DZ91259930012,Supplier Code: 4018001, DESHI)
It is divided and a new drawing number is compiled. In order to make the relevant changes clear to each unit,
To accurately submit the parts plan, this notice is hereby issued, and the details are as follows:
Saddle assembly split piece
NO. Name DZ91259930012 SZ993000796 Remark
1 Vulnerable ring DS2730A17601 General
2 Lock hook DS2730A17015 General
3 Wedge DS2730A17017 General
4 Leg pin DS2730A18012 DS2730A17012
5 Buffer bushing DS2730A18013 DS2730A17013
6 Outrigger DS2730A18200 DS2730A17200